Pure Water

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Fluoride Water Filters

Why use a fluoride water filter? Municipal water treatment plants commonly add fluoride to the water to help prevent tooth decay, and they try to maintain a level of 1.5 - 2.5 mg/l. Concentrations above 5 mg/l are detrimental to tooth structure. High concentrations are contained in waste water from the manufacture of glass and steel, as well as from foundry operations.

Organic fluorine is present in vegetables, fruits and nuts. Inorganic fluorine, under the name of sodium fluoride, is a waste product of aluminum and is used in some rat poisons. The MCL established for drinking water by the US EPA is 4 mg/l.

So for those of you who prefer not to have fluoride in your water, we have a selection of fluoride removal filters from Crystal Quest®.

Check out fluoride filters available at www.purewaterforless.com

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Water Bottle Filters

A water bottle filter is great for both indoor and outdoor uses. Use it at the office for healthy great tasting water at your desk. It works great in the gym too. No need to buy expensive bottled water. Just use the water from the fountain and filter it with your own personal water bottle filter.

This is also a great way to drink the number of glasses of water you should be drinking.

This bottle filter is perfect for the office, the gym, school, when traveling and just about anywhere. Each cartridge will filter up to 40 gallons. Check out this essential product and other water filters at www.purewaterforless.com